Sunday, April 8, 2012

Night Munchies

I can do pretty well on eating healthy all day and then the night comes. I get terrible cravings for sweets after work and even later on weekend nights. I have to figure out exactly why I have the most trouble late. It could be that I'm tired from the day, hurting worse, a bit on my mind, or even a combination of all that. I know that to succeed, I need to find the cause of my over eating and my cravings for sweets. I do know I've had emotional eating issues for a long time. I really want to break free from those issues and get rid of the excess fat. It almost feels like a prison I built around myself. I not only dislike my appearance, but also how I feel. I have little energy, hate buying clothes, and feel real blah most of the time. Life should be more than this and it will be once I control my eating instead of it controlling me.

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