Thursday, April 5, 2012

Getting Started

Well, here I am starting the weight loss journey yet again.  My weight was pretty steady until about 3 months ago.  Even then, I needed to lose about 60 pounds.  Now, it's closer to 75 pounds to lose.  Part of the recent weight gain was a medicine I was trying to help dull my chronic pain.  I'm not on that medicine anymore, but the pain is still here.  I'm a terrible emotional eater.  My pain acts up, I eat more, I gain weight, I feel more pain...and the cycle goes on.

I wanted to blog about this so I can keep myself on track.  I have a bad habit of self-sabotage, one lousy day and I seem to throw it all away.  That cycle has to end, one bad food day is not the end of the world.  I also want to keep myself accountable by giving friends and family the link to this blog.  I have some great people in my life that will share in my successes and also be there when I stumble. 

I've decided to start a food journal so I can see exactly what I'm eating and how I need to change.  I know some of the changes I need to make, but seeing in in print will be a big help.  I've done the food journal in the past with good results.  That part of my journey will probably not be blogged, but I haven't quite decided yet.  Since I have so much weight to lose, I'm going to break it down into 10 pound goals.  Losing 10 pounds seems much more manageable than 75.  I'll take small steps until I reach  my end goal.  Here I go on what will hopefully be my last trip down the road to being healthy.


  1. Hi Brandy, I think it's great that you are blogging. I think that you can get everything out of your system on here, writing it all down is good. If you click on my name it will take you to my blog! Great to see your picture! You look very pretty! Keep at it! I need to lose weight too but not sure how yet! Xxxxx

    1. Thank you so much Lainey. I've read a bit on one of your blogs and will read more later. As far as losing weight, I'm going to watch what I eat and move more. No gimmicks or quick fixes, I want the changes to last.
